
RECENT PUBLICATIONS - (1999 - Present):


1.       Minocha, S.C. and R. Minocha.  1999. Genetic Transformation in conifers. In. S.M. Jain and P.K. Gupta (eds.) Somatic Embryogenesis in Woody Plants. Vol. V. Kluwer Scientific Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. pp. 291-312

2.       Minocha, R., S. Long, H. Maki, and S.C. Minocha. 1999. Assays for the activities of polyamine biosynthetic enzymes using intact tissues. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 37: 597-603.

3.       Minocha, R., D.R. Smith, C. Stewart, K.D. Steele and S.C.. Minocha. 1999. Polyamine levels during the development of zygotic and somatic embryos of Pinus radiata D Don. Physiol. Plant.105: 155-164.

4.       Minocha, S.C. 2000. Optimization of the expression of a transgene in plants. In: S.M. Jain and S.C. Minocha (eds.). Molecular Biology of Woody Plants, Vol. I. Kluwer Scientific Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.pp.1-30

5.       Minocha, S.C. and J.C. Wallace. 2000. Gene transfer techniques and their relevance to woody plants. In: Jain, S.M. and S.C. Minocha (eds.). Molecular Biology of Woody Plants Vol. II. Kluwer Scientific Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. pp. 1-24.

6.       Bhatnagar, P., B.M. Glasheen, S.K. Bains, S.. Long, R. Minocha, C. Walter, and S.C. Minocha. 2001. Genetic manipulation of the metabolism of polyamines in poplar (Populus nigra x maximowiczii) cells. Plant Physiol. 125: 2139-2153.

7.       Varma, S., E. Hrabak, and S.C. Minocha. 2001. GenBank Submission of cDNA sequence of carrot SAMDC. Accession No. AF334029.

8.       Bhatnagar, P., R. Minocha, and S.C. Minocha. 2002. Genetic manipulation of the metabolism of polyamines in poplar II: The catabolism of putrescine. Plant Physiol. 128: 1455-1469.

9.       Quan, Yi, R. Minocha and S.C. Minocha. 2002. Genetic manipulation of polyamine metabolism in poplar III: Effects on ethylene biosynthesis. Plant Physiol. Bioch. 40:929-937.

10.   Bezold, T.N., J.B. Loy and S.C. Minocha 2003. Changes in the cellular content of polyamines in different tissues of seed and fruit of a normal and a hull-less seed variety of pumpkin during development. Plant Sci. 164: 743-752.

11.   Minocha, S., P. Bhatnagar, R. Minocha, and S. Long. 2003. Genetic manipulation of polyamine metabolism in poplar. In : Espinel S, Barredo Y, Ritter, E (Eds). Sustainable Forestry, Wood Products, and Biotechnology. DFA-AFA Press, Victoria-Gasteiz, Spain, pp 179-194.

12.   Minocha, R., S. Minocha, and S. Long. 2003. Monitoring environmental stress in forest trees using biochemical and physiological markers. In : Espinel S, Barredo Y, Ritter, E (Eds). Sustainable Forestry, Wood Products, and Biotechnology. DFA-AFA Press, Victoria-Gasteiz, Spain, pp 109-116.

13.   Minocha, S.C. 2003. Genetic engineering of seaweeds: current status and perspectives. In: Chapman, A.R.O., R.J. Anderson, V. Vreeland, I.R. Davison. eds. Proc. Seventeenth International Seaweed Symposium, Cape Town, S. Africa, Jan. 28 - Feb. 2, 2001. Oxford Univ. Press. 19-26.

14.   Page, A.F., Minocha, S.C. 2004. Analysis of gene expression in transgenic plants. In. Methods in Molecular Biology, Vol. 286: Transgenic Plants. L. Pěna (ed.), Humana Press. pp. 291-311.

15.   Minocha, R., J.S. Lee, S. Long, P. Bhatnagar, S.C. Minocha. 2004. Physiological responses of wild type and putrescine-overproducing transgenic cells of poplar to variations in the form and concentration of nitrogen in the medium. Tree Physiol. 24: 551-560.

16.   Minocha, R. and S.C. Minocha. Effects of soil pH and aluminum on plant respiration. In: Plant Respiration; C. Ribas and H. Lambers, eds. Book Chapter; In Press

17.   Bhatnagar, P., R. Minocha and S.C. Minocha. 2003. The regulation of spermidine turnover in a transgenic cell line of poplar overproducing putrescine (under revision).


1.       Jain, S.M. and S.C. Minocha (eds.). 2000. Molecular Biology of Woody Plants Vol. I. Kluwer Scientific Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. pp. 1-520.

2.       Jain, S.M. and S.C. Minocha (eds.). 2000. Molecular Biology of Woody Plants Vol. II. Kluwer Scientific Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. pp 1-511.