



1.      Minocha, S.C., R. Minocha and C.A. Robie.  1990.  High performance liquid chromotographic method for the determination of dansyl-polyamines.  J. Chromatogr. 511:177-183.

2.      Noh, E.W. and S.C. Minocha.  1990.  Pigment and isozyme variation in aspen shoots regenerated from callus culture.  Plant Cell. Tissue, Org. Cult. 23:39-44.

3.      Minocha, S.C., C.A. Robie, A.J. Khan, N. Papa and A.I. Samuelsen.  1990.  Polyamine and ethylene biosynthesis in relation to somatic embryogenesis in carrot (Daucus carota) cell cultures.  In:  Polyamines and Ethylene:  Biochemistry, Physiology and Interactions. H.E. Flores, R.N. Arteca and J.C. Shannon, (eds.), Amer. Soc. Plant Physiol. pp. 339-342.

4.      Minocha, R., S.C. Minocha, A. Komamine and W.C. Shortle.  1990.  Role of polyamines in DNA synthesis of Catharanthus roseus cells grown in suspension culture.  In:  Polyamines and Ethylene:  Biochemistry, Physiology and Interactions.  H.E. Flores, R.N. Arteca and J.C. Shannon, (eds.), Amer. Soc. Plant Physiol. pp. 343-345.

5.      Subbaiah, M.M. and S.C. Minocha.  1990.  Shoot regeneration from stem and leaf callus of Eucalyptus tereticornis.  Plant Cell Rep.  9:370-373.

6.      Khan, A.J. and S.C. Minocha.  1991.  Polyamines and somatic embryogenesis in carrot II.  The effects of cyclohexylammonium phosphate.  J. Plant Physiol. 137:446-452.

7.      Minocha, R., S.C. Minocha, A. Komamine and W.C. Shortle.  1991.  Regulation of DNA synthesis and cell division by polyamines in Catharanthus roseus suspension cultures.  Plant Cell Rep. 10:126-130.

8.      Minocha, S.C., N.S. Papa, A.J. Khan and A.I. Samuelsen.  1991.  Polyamines and somatic embryogenesis in carrot III.  The effects of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone).  Plant Cell Physiol.  32:495-502.

9.      Minocha, S.C., R. Minocha and A. Komamine.  1991.  The effects of polyamine biosynthesis inhibitors on S-adenosylmethionine synthetase and S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase activities in carrot cell cultures.  Plant Physiol. Biochem. 29:231-237.

10.        Minocha, S.C. and A.J. Khan.  1991.  Effects of combinations of polyamine biosynthetic inhibitors on cellular polyamines in carrot cell cultures.  J. Plant Physiol. 137:507-510.

11.        Primich-Zachwieja, S. and S.C. Minocha.  1991.  Induction of virulence response in Agrobacterium tumefaciens by tissue explants of various plant species.  Plant Cell Rep. 10:545-549.

12.        Minocha, R., S.C. Minocha, S.L. Long and W.C. Shortle. 1992.  Effects of aluminum on DNA synthesis, cellular polyamines, polyamine biosynthetic enzymes, and inorganic ions in cell suspension cultures of a woody plant, Catharanthus roseus.  Physiol. Plant. 85:417-424.

13.        DeScenzo, R.A. and S.C. Minocha.  1993.  Modulation of cellular polyamines in tobacco by transfer and expression of mouse ornithine decarboxylase cDNA.  Plant Mol. Biol. 22:113-127.

14.        Noh, E.W. and S.C. Minocha.  1993.  Expression of a human S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase cDNA in transgenic tobacco and its effects on polyamines biosynthesis.  Transgen. Res. 3:26-35.

15.        Nissen, P. and S.C. Minocha. 1993.  Inhibition by 2,4-D of somatic embryogenesis in carrot as explored  by  its  reversal by difluoromethylornithine. Physiol. Plant..  89: 673-680.

16.        Minocha, R., H. Kvaalen, S.C. Minocha and S. Long. 1993. Polyamines in embryogenic cultures of Norway spruce (Picea abies) and red spruce (Picea rubens). Tree Physiol.  13: 365-377.

17.        Pritchard, G.A., J.M. Fahey, S.C. Minocha, C. Conaty and L.G. Miller. 1993. Polyamine potentiation and inhibition of NMDA-mediated increase of intracellular calcium in cultured chick cortical neurons. Europ. J. Pharmacol - Mole. Pharmacol. Sec..  266: 107-115.

18.        Kübler, J. E., S.C. Minocha and A.C. Mathieson. 1993. Transient expression of the GUS reporter gene in Porphyra miniata (Rhodophyta).  J. Mar. Biotech. 1: 165-169.

19.        Sun, D.Y., R. Minocha and S.C. Minocha.  1994.  Genetic transformation of Populus to modulate polyamine metabolism.  In:  J.A. Pardos, M.R. Ahuja and R.E. Rosello (eds.). Proc. IUFRO Workshop on Biotechnology of Trees, Valsain, Spain, 18-22 Oct. 1993; pp 215-220. 

20.        20.  Minocha, R., H. Kvaalen, S. Long and S.C. Minocha.  1994.  Changes in Polyamines and their biosynthetic enzymes during somatic embryogenesis of Picea abies and Picea rubens.  In:   J.A. Pardos, M.R. Ahuja and R.E. Rosello (eds.). Proc. IUFRO Workshop on Biotechnology of Trees, Valsain, Spain, 18-22 Oct. 1993; pp 137-142.

21.        Minocha, S.C. and R. Minocha. 1994. HPLC methods for polyamine analysis. LC.GC 12: 506.

22.        Minocha, R., W.C. Shortle, S.L. Long and S.C. Minocha. 1994. A rapid and reliable procedure for extraction of polyamines and inorganic cations from plant tissues. J. Plant Growth Regul. 13: 187-193.

23.        Zhou, Xin-Hua, R. Minocha and S.C. Minocha.  1994.  Physiological responses of suspension cultures of Catharanthus roseus to aluminum:  Changes in polyamines and inorganic ions.  J. Plant Physiol. 145: 277-284.